Frequently Asked Questions

If you cannot find an answer to your question here, please contact me via email and I will endeavor to get back to you soon.


What is the shipping process?

All products are handmade-to-order with love and care. And because all orders are created, bottled, packed, and shipped solely by me (Asha), please allow up to 5 business days for your order to be fulfilled and shipped.

How long does shipping take?

Once the order is fulfilled, you should receive it within 2-10 business days, depending on the shipping method chosen at check out.

Do you ship outside the USA?

Not at the moment, but this may be an option in the future.


I am reordering a product, do you have refills available?

Not right now, but this will be an option in the near future. Please contact me if you only want a refill and there is not one available.

Are your products 100% organic?

I choose certified organic ingredients wherever possible. However, some products cannot be certified organic like baking soda, Himalayan salt, borax, etc. Please see item details for which ingredients are organic.

Do your products have to be refrigerated?

No, they do not need to be refrigerated, but they should be stored in a cool dark place, out of direct sunlight, (like a pantry or cabinet) to help preserve the natural essential oils.

How long do your products last?

This depends on how you are storing the product (see previous question) but the products should last 6 months or longer.

Do you offer auto fill orders?

Not at this time, but it is something I would love to offer in the future. However, if you would like me to contact you after a certain amount of time to see if you are are nearing the end of your current products, I am happy to do that. Simply contact me and I can arrange a reminder email to me sent out at the timeframe you request.

Are your products child and pet friendly?

Zero products contain any harmful chemicals, however, even some natural ingredients are not safe (and even lethal) if ingested by any size human or animal - like Borax as one example.

When ordering a refill pouch, why is it important to immediately transfer the product from the plastic refill pouch or the glass bottle?

Although the refill pouches are BPA free, there are still other chemicals in plastics which could be harmful when exposed over time. Shipping in glass has been an issue because of pressure and altitude changes and the product leaks. So once the orders are bottled into the plastic refill pouches, they ship ASAP as to minimize the exposure to the plastics. The shortest amount of time the products are exposed to plastic, the better.

Some products are recommended for ‘non-porous’ surfaces only, what is that and why?

A non-porous surface is a material that is “resistant to penetration of liquids, gases, powders, and includes non- permeable surfaces and materials that are sealed” according to Examples of non-porous materials and surfaces are: stainless steel, metal, glass, hard plastic, and varnished wood. Granite and marble are porous surfaces but it takes a lot longer for liquids to penetrate and cause damage. Please spot test before using all products for the first time.

Why are crystal chips in some of your products?

Crystals offer additional energetic benefits to the products they are in. For example, moss agate is known to be an anti-fungal and in the treatment of colds, flus and infections. So I have added it to my all-purpose spray. So not only are the specific ingredients, herbs and essential oils in the all-purpose spray chosen for their properties, the crystals are as well.


Can I add to my order if I have already placed it, but fulfillment has not yet taken place?

Possibly. Please contact me if this is the case and we can discuss your options.

If you did not find an answer to your question above, please contact me via email or Instagram DM and I will endeavor to get back to you as soon as possible.